How to Cite a Book in MLA Style: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Cite a Book in MLA Style: A Comprehensive Guide

When writing academic papers, it's crucial to properly cite the sources you use. This helps give credit to the original authors, avoid plagiarism, and allows readers to find the sources you've referenced. If you're citing a book in MLA (Modern Language Association) style, there are specific guidelines you need to follow to ensure your citations are accurate and consistent.

MLA style is commonly used in the humanities, such as English, literature, and history. It emphasizes the author's name and the title of the work being cited. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of how to cite a book in MLA style, including the basic elements of a citation, formatting guidelines, and examples for different types of books.

To ensure clarity and consistency in your citations, it's important to pay attention to the details and follow the MLA style guidelines accurately. Let's dive into the specifics of citing a book in MLA style.

How to Cite a Book in MLA

To ensure clarity and consistency in your citations, follow these key points when citing a book in MLA style:

  • Author's last name, first name.
  • Book title in italics.
  • Publication city and publisher.
  • Publication year.
  • Page numbers (if applicable).
  • Medium of publication (e.g., Print).
  • DOI or URL (if available).

By adhering to these guidelines, you can create accurate and informative citations that adhere to MLA style standards.

Author's last name, first name.

When citing a book in MLA style, the author's last name and first name should be listed first in the citation. This is followed by a period and the title of the book in italics. The author's name is significant because it helps readers identify the source of the information and locate the book if they need to refer to it directly.

There are a few things to keep in mind when listing the author's name:

  • Use the author's last name first, followed by a comma and the first name. For example: Smith, John.
  • If the book has multiple authors, list all of their names in the order they appear on the title page. Separate each author's name with a comma and the word "and." For example: Smith, John, and Jane Doe.
  • If the author's name is not available, use the title of the book in place of the author's name. For example: The Catcher in the Rye.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the author's name is cited correctly in your MLA-style citations.

Remember, the author's name is a crucial element of a citation as it gives credit to the original creator of the work and allows readers to easily identify and locate the source.

Book title in italcses.

The book's title is in italcses., e.g.:


Book's name should also be in __italcses____ \_** First example:
__Book's name in _italcses.__ _We've previously written in italcses. Because it is the first sentence.
Second example:
Other example
Last example:
How to put it in italcses.

Book's name may appear in many forms, and it may appear as the last sentence or the last previous. __We can use it as the last one if it is the first sentence of the page.

  • First example:
    The last one

  • Last example:
    The second to last one
    • First example:
      lose one
    • Last example:
      The first one
        • Example 3::

        • first second and last one
            • Example 4::
            • ​​Second example: Using one and only

              • In addition, the following
              • Example 1: The right ID and wrong \ ID
              • Example2:
                the right \ ID
                where it provides the first sentence. When it is the second sentence,
              • Example three:
                last one
              • Example 4:
                second and last to last one

              • Example 5:
                second to last

              • Example 6:

                Example 7:
                the right ID and wrong

last sentence Example 1:
first and last one

Example 2:
last one

    • /li>


      • Example 61:


      • Example 62:


          • /li>
            the right ID and wrong \ ID

            In addition, the following
        • Example 1:
          first and last one

        • Example 2:
          last one

            • /li>


              • Example 46:
                last one

                  • /li>
                    the right ID and wrong \ ID

                  • In addition, the following
                  • /li>
                    the first and the right ID

                Example 34: 1 62.
              • Example 71:
                first and last

              • Example 8:
                the first and last

                Example 48: 1 61.

                Example 52: 2 last

                Example 56: 8 56.
              • Example 8:

          the right ID and last

          last to last
          Last example

        Publication City and Publisher

        After the book's title, include the publication city and the publisher's name. Separate the two with a colon (:). This information is typically found on the book's title page or copyright page.

        Here are a few things to keep in mind when listing the publication city and publisher:

        • Use the city where the publisher's main office is located, not the city where the book was printed. For example: New York: Knopf.
        • If the book was published by a university press, use the city where the university is located. For example: Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
        • If the publisher's name is long, you can abbreviate it. For example: Oxford Univ. Press for Oxford University Press.

        By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the publication city and publisher are cited correctly in your MLA-style citations.

        Including the publication city and publisher provides additional context for readers, helping them identify and locate the book more easily.

        Publication Year

        After the publication city and publisher, include the year the book was published. This information is typically found on the book's title page or copyright page.

        Here are a few things to keep in mind when listing the publication year:

        • Use the year the book was first published, not the year it was reprinted or revised.
        • If the book was published in the same year as the author's death, add a plus sign (+) after the year. For example: 1942+.
        • If the book has no publication year, use the abbreviation "n.d." (no date).

        By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the publication year is cited correctly in your MLA-style citations.

        Including the publication year helps readers understand the context of the book and its relevance to the time period in which it was written.

        Page Numbers (if applicable)

        If you are citing a specific page or range of pages from a book, include the page numbers after the publication year. Separate the page numbers with a hyphen. For example: 10-15.

        Here are a few things to keep in mind when listing the page numbers:

        • Only include page numbers if you are citing a specific part of the book. If you are citing the entire book, do not include page numbers.
        • If you are citing a range of pages, use a hyphen to separate the first and last page numbers. For example: 10-15.
        • If you are citing a single page, simply list the page number. For example: 10.

        By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the page numbers are cited correctly in your MLA-style citations.

        Including page numbers allows readers to easily locate the specific information you are referencing in the book.

        Medium of Publication (e.g., Print)

        In MLA style, you should include the medium of publication after the page numbers (if applicable). The medium of publication is the format in which the book was published. Common mediums of publication include print, electronic, and online.

        Here are a few examples of how to cite different mediums of publication:

        • Print book: Smith, John. Book Title. New York: Knopf, 2023. Print.
        • E-book: Smith, John. Book Title. New York: Knopf, 2023. E-book.
        • Online book: Smith, John. Book Title. New York: Knopf, 2023. Web. 15 Mar. 2023.

        If you are unsure of the medium of publication, you can usually find this information on the book's title page or copyright page.

        Including the medium of publication helps readers identify the format of the book and locate it more easily.

        DOI or URL (if available)

        If the book you are citing has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), include it after the medium of publication. A DOI is a unique identifier that is assigned to electronic publications, while a URL is the address of a website or online resource.

        Here are a few examples of how to cite a book with a DOI or URL:

        • Print book with DOI: Smith, John. Book Title. New York: Knopf, 2023. Print.
        • E-book with URL: Smith, John. Book Title. New York: Knopf, 2023. E-book.
        • Online book with URL: Smith, John. Book Title. New York: Knopf, 2023. Web. 15 Mar. 2023.

        If the book you are citing does not have a DOI or URL, simply omit this information from your citation.

        Including the DOI or URL allows readers to access the book online, making it easier for them to find and read the full text.


        Here are some frequently asked questions about citing books in MLA style:

        Question 1: What information do I need to include in my citation?

        Answer: For a book citation, you need to include the author's name, the book title in italics, the publication city and publisher, the publication year, and the medium of publication (if applicable).

        Question 2: How do I cite a book with multiple authors?

        Answer: If a book has two or three authors, list all of their names in the order they appear on the title page. Separate each author's name with a comma and the word "and." If a book has more than three authors, list the first author's name followed by the abbreviation "et al." (which means "and others").

        Question 3: How do I cite a book with no publication date?

        Answer: If a book has no publication date, use the abbreviation "n.d." (which means "no date") in place of the publication year.

        Question 4: How do I cite a book that is part of a series?

        Answer: If a book is part of a series, include the series title and the series number after the book title. Separate the series title and number with a comma.

        Question 5: How do I cite an edited book?

        Answer: If a book is an edited collection of essays or chapters, include the editor's name after the book title. Separate the editor's name from the book title with the abbreviation "ed." (which means "edited by").

        Question 6: How do I cite a book in a foreign language?

        Answer: If a book is in a foreign language, include the original title of the book followed by the English translation in square brackets. Separate the original title from the English translation with a slash (/).

        Question 7: How do I cite a book that I accessed online?

        Answer: If you accessed a book online, include the URL of the website where you found the book after the medium of publication. Separate the URL from the medium of publication with a comma.

        Closing Paragraph: I hope these FAQs have helped you understand how to cite books in MLA style. If you have any other questions, please consult your instructor or a style guide.

        In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few additional tips for citing books in MLA style:


        Here are a few practical tips for citing books in MLA style:

        Tip 1: Use a citation generator.

        There are many citation generators available online that can help you create accurate MLA-style citations. Simply enter the necessary information about the book, and the generator will create a citation for you.

        Tip 2: Be consistent with your formatting.

        MLA style has specific formatting requirements, such as using italics for book titles and double-spacing your citations. Be consistent with your formatting throughout your paper to ensure that your citations are clear and easy to read.

        Tip 3: Use quotation marks for direct quotations.

        When you include a direct quotation from a book in your paper, be sure to put the quotation in quotation marks. This will help readers distinguish between your own words and the words of the author you are citing.

        Tip 4: Proofread your citations carefully.

        Before you submit your paper, be sure to proofread your citations carefully to make sure that they are accurate and complete. Even a small error in your citation can make it difficult for readers to find the source you are referencing.

        Closing Paragraph: By following these tips, you can ensure that your MLA-style citations are accurate, consistent, and easy to read. This will help your readers understand your sources and avoid plagiarism.

        In conclusion, citing books in MLA style is an important part of academic writing. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, you can create accurate and informative citations that adhere to MLA style standards.


        In this article, we have explored the basics of citing books in MLA style. We have covered the essential elements of a book citation, including the author's name, book title, publication information, and page numbers (if applicable). We have also discussed how to cite books with multiple authors, books with no publication date, books that are part of a series, edited books, books in a foreign language, and books accessed online.

        By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, you can create accurate and informative citations that adhere to MLA style standards. This will help your readers understand your sources and avoid plagiarism.

        Closing Message: Citing sources correctly is an important part of academic writing. It shows that you have done your research and that you are giving credit to the authors whose work you have used. By taking the time to cite your sources correctly, you can avoid plagiarism and ensure that your paper is credible and informative.

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