Blue Book

Blue Book

The Blue Book, formally known as the United Nations Blue Book Series, is a collection of publications that document the activities and decisions of the United Nations. It is published by the United Nations Secretariat and provides a comprehensive record of the work of the UN, including resolutions, debates, and other official documents.


The Blue Book Series was established in 1946 as a way to document the proceedings of the United Nations General Assembly. The first Blue Book was published in 1947 and contained the records of the first session of the General Assembly. Since then, the Blue Book Series has expanded to include the records of other UN bodies, such as the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the International Court of Justice.


The Blue Book Series contains a wide range of documents, including:

  • Resolutions: The Blue Book Series contains the full text of all resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council. These resolutions are legally binding on all UN member states.
  • Debates: The Blue Book Series also contains the records of debates that take place in the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council. These debates provide a detailed account of the discussions and negotiations that take place before resolutions are adopted.
  • Other official documents: The Blue Book Series also contains a variety of other official documents, such as reports by the UN Secretary-General, statements by UN member states, and documents related to the UN budget and financial matters.


The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike. It provides a comprehensive record of the work of the UN and helps to ensure that the UN remains accountable for its actions. The Blue Book Series also plays an important role in the development of international law, as it contains the authoritative record of the UN's decisions.


The Blue Book Series is a vital tool for understanding the work of the United Nations. It provides a comprehensive record of the UN's activities and decisions, and it plays an important role in the development of international law. The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike.

un blue book

The Blue Book is a collection of publications that document the activities and decisions of the United Nations.

  • Comprehensive record of UN work
  • Includes resolutions, debates, reports
  • Established in 1946
  • United Nations General Assembly
  • Security Council, Economic and Social Council
  • International Court of Justice
  • Valuable resource for researchers
  • Policymakers, general public
  • Development of international law

The Blue Book is a vital tool for understanding the work of the United Nations.

Comprehensive record of UN work

The Blue Book Series provides a comprehensive record of the work of the United Nations in a number of ways:
  • Complete record of debates. All debates that take place in the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council are recorded in the Blue Book Series. This includes not just the speeches of各国代表, but also the discussions and negotiations that take place before resolutions are adopted.
  • Clear and concise summaries. The Blue Book Series provides clear and concise summaries of the debates and discussions that take place in the UN. This makes it easy for researchers and the general public to understand the work of the UN and the decisions that are made.
  • Easy to navigate and search. The Blue Book Series is easy to navigate and search. This makes it easy to find the information that you are looking for.
  • Available in a variety of formats. The Blue Book Series is available in a variety of formats, including print, online, and electronic. This makes it accessible to a wide range of people.
The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers and the general public alike. It provides a comprehensive record of the work of the UN and helps to ensure that the UN remains accountable for its actions. The Blue Book Series also plays an important role in the development of international law, as it contains the record of the UN's decisions.

Resolutions, debates, reports

The Blue Book Series contains the full text of all resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council. These resolutions are binding on all UN member states. The Blue Book Series also contains the records of debates that take place in the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council. These debates provide a detailed account of the discussions and negotiations that take place before resolutions are adopted. Finally, the Blue Book Series contains a variety of reports by the UN Secretary-General, statements by UN member states, and documents related to the UN budget and financial matters. These reports provide valuable information on the work of the UN and the challenges that it faces. Here are some specific examples of resolutions, debates, and reports that can be found in the Blue Book Series: * Resolution 242, which calls for a ceasefire in the Arab-Israeli conflict * The debate on the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights * The report of the Secretary-General on climate change * A statement by the President of the Security Council on the situation in Syria These are just a few examples of the many important documents that can be found in the Blue Book Series. These documents provide a valuable record of the work of the UN and the decisions that it has made over the years.

Established in 1946

The Blue Book Series was established in 1946 as a way to document the proceedings of the United Nations General Assembly. The first session of the General Assembly was held in London in January 1946, and the Blue Book Series was created to provide a record of the debates and decisions of the Assembly. The Blue Book Series was initially published in English and French, the two official languages of the United Nations. However, it was later expanded to include other languages, such as Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. The Blue Book Series has been published every year since 1946, and it now contains over 300 volumes. It is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike. Here are some of the key reasons why the Blue Book Series was established in 1946: * To provide a comprehensive record of the work of the United Nations General Assembly * To ensure transparency and accountability in the work of the UN * To promote understanding of the UN's role in international affairs * To facilitate research on the history of the UN The Blue Book Series has been successful in achieving these goals. It is a widely used and respected resource that provides valuable information on the work of the United Nations.

United Nations General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the United Nations. Composed of all 193 Member States, the General Assembly provides a forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. The General Assembly meets in regular session every year from September to December. It also holds special and emergency sessions as needed. The Assembly makes decisions by a majority vote of the members present and voting, except on important questions, which require a two-thirds majority. The General Assembly has a wide range of powers and functions, including: * Discussing and making recommendations on international peace and security * Promoting international cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian fields * Approving the UN budget and overseeing the financial affairs of the UN * Electing the non-permanent members of the Security Council and the members of other UN bodies * Admitting new members to the UN * Considering and approving treaties and international agreements The General Assembly is a vital part of the UN system. It provides a forum for discussion and debate on a wide range of issues, and it plays a key role in promoting international cooperation and understanding. The Blue Book Series is an important record of the work of the General Assembly. It contains the full text of all resolutions adopted by the Assembly, as well as the records of debates and discussions. The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike.

Security Council, Economic and Social Council

The Blue Book Series also contains the records of the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council. The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It has the power to authorize the use of force, impose sanctions, and establish peacekeeping operations. The Security Council is composed of 15 members, including five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and 10 non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms. The Economic and Social Council is responsible for promoting international cooperation in economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian fields. It works to improve the standard of living for people around the world and to promote sustainable development. The Economic and Social Council is composed of 54 members elected by the General Assembly for three-year terms. Both the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council play important roles in the work of the United Nations. The Blue Book Series provides a valuable record of the decisions and discussions of these two bodies. Here are some examples of the types of documents that can be found in the Blue Book Series for the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council: * Resolutions adopted by the Security Council on issues such as peacekeeping, sanctions, and the use of force * Records of debates in the Security Council on issues such as the Middle East conflict and the situation in Ukraine * Reports by the Secretary-General to the Security Council on issues such as terrorism and climate change * Resolutions adopted by the Economic and Social Council on issues such as poverty, inequality, and sustainable development * Records of debates in the Economic and Social Council on issues such as the global economy and the Millennium Development Goals * Reports by the Secretary-General to the Economic and Social Council on issues such as the state of the world economy and the progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike. It provides a comprehensive record of the work of the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council, and it helps to ensure that these two bodies remain accountable for their actions.

International Court of Justice

The Blue Book Series also contains the records of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It is also known as the World Court. The ICJ settles legal disputes between states and gives advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and specialized agencies. The ICJ is composed of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council for nine-year terms. The judges are chosen from a list of candidates nominated by the national groups in the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The ICJ has jurisdiction over all legal disputes that are submitted to it by states. States can also agree to accept the ICJ's jurisdiction in advance, through a treaty or other agreement. The ICJ's decisions are binding on the parties to the dispute. The ICJ also has the power to issue advisory opinions, which are not binding but are highly respected. Here are some examples of the types of cases that the ICJ has decided: * The legality of the use of force by Israel against Lebanon * The territorial dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia over the San Andrés and Providencia islands * The legality of the construction of a wall by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories * The interpretation of the Genocide Convention in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro The Blue Book Series contains the full text of all judgments, advisory opinions, and orders of the ICJ. It also contains the records of the Court's proceedings, including the pleadings of the parties and the transcripts of the oral arguments. The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike. It provides a comprehensive record of the work of the ICJ, and it helps to ensure that the Court remains accountable for its actions.

Valuable resource for researchers

The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers in a number of ways: * Comprehensive record of UN work. The Blue Book Series provides a comprehensive record of the work of the United Nations, including resolutions, debates, reports, and other official documents. This information is essential for researchers who are studying the UN or its various agencies and programs. * Easy to navigate and search. The Blue Book Series is easy to navigate and search, making it easy for researchers to find the information they need. The Series is also available in a variety of formats, including print, online, and electronic, making it accessible to researchers around the world. * Reliable source of information. The Blue Book Series is a reliable source of information on the UN. The documents in the Series are produced by the UN Secretariat and are subject to rigorous editorial standards. This ensures that the information in the Series is accurate and up-to-date. Here are some specific examples of how researchers have used the Blue Book Series in their work: * A researcher at the University of California, Berkeley used the Blue Book Series to study the history of the UN Security Council. The researcher was able to use the Series to track the Council's decisions on a variety of issues, including the Korean War and the Cold War. * A researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science used the Blue Book Series to study the development of international law. The researcher was able to use the Series to track the evolution of legal principles and norms over time. * A researcher at the University of Tokyo used the Blue Book Series to study the impact of the UN on the developing world. The researcher was able to use the Series to track the UN's involvement in a variety of development projects, including the provision of food aid and the construction of schools and hospitals. The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for researchers in a variety of fields, including political science, international relations, law, and economics. The Series provides a comprehensive and reliable record of the work of the United Nations, and it is easy to navigate and search.

Policymakers, general public

The Blue Book Series is also a valuable resource for policymakers and the general public. Policymakers can use the Blue Book Series to track the work of the United Nations and to inform their own decision-making. For example, a policymaker who is working on a climate change policy can use the Blue Book Series to learn about the UN's work on climate change and to see how other countries are addressing the issue. The general public can use the Blue Book Series to learn more about the United Nations and its work. The Series provides a wealth of information on a wide range of issues, including peace and security, human rights, economic development, and environmental protection. Here are some specific examples of how policymakers and the general public have used the Blue Book Series: * A policymaker in the United States used the Blue Book Series to learn about the UN's work on nuclear disarmament. The policymaker was able to use the Series to track the progress of negotiations on nuclear disarmament and to see how other countries were addressing the issue. * A journalist in the United Kingdom used the Blue Book Series to write a series of articles about the UN's work on human rights. The journalist was able to use the Series to learn about the UN's investigations into human rights abuses and to see how the UN was working to protect human rights around the world. * A student in Japan used the Blue Book Series to learn about the UN's work on sustainable development. The student was able to use the Series to learn about the UN's goals for sustainable development and to see how the UN was working to achieve those goals. The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for policymakers and the general public alike. It provides a wealth of information on a wide range of issues, and it is easy to navigate and search.

Development of international law

The Blue Book Series also plays an important role in the development of international law. International law is a body of rules and principles that govern the conduct of states and other entities in their relations with each other. International law is created through treaties, customary international law, and the decisions of international courts and tribunals. The Blue Book Series contains the authoritative record of the decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The ICJ's decisions are binding on the parties to the dispute and they also help to develop international law by clarifying and interpreting existing legal principles and norms. In addition to the ICJ's decisions, the Blue Book Series also contains a variety of other documents that are relevant to the development of international law, such as resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, reports by the Secretary-General, and statements by UN member states. Here are some specific examples of how the Blue Book Series has contributed to the development of international law: * The ICJ's decision in the case of Nicaragua v. United States helped to clarify the law of self-defense and the use of force in international relations. * The ICJ's decision in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro helped to develop the law of genocide and the responsibility of states to prevent genocide. * The UN General Assembly's resolution on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples helped to establish new international standards for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples. The Blue Book Series is a valuable resource for scholars and practitioners of international law. It provides a comprehensive record of the development of international law and it helps to ensure that international law remains relevant and responsive to the changing needs of the international community.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the un blue book:

Question 1: What is the un blue book?

Answer 1: The un blue book is a collection of publications that document the activities and decisions of the United Nations. It containsῥ, debates, and other official documents.

Question 2: Who published the un blue book?

Answer 2: The un blue book is published by the United Nations Secretariat.

Question 3: When was the first un blue book published?

Answer 3: The first un blue book was published in 1947.

Question 4: What are some of the topics covered in the un blue book?

Answer 4: The un blue book covers a wide range of topics, including peace and security, human rights, economic development, and environmental protection.

Question 5: Who can use the un blue book?

Answer 5: The un blue book is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike.

Question 6: How can I access the un blue book?

Answer 6: The un blue book is available in a variety of formats, including print, online, and electronic. You can access the un blue book through the United Nations website or through a library.

Question 7: Why is the un blue book important?

Answer 7: The un blue book is important because it provides a comprehensive record of the work of the United Nations. It is also valuable for researchers and policymakers, and it helps to ensure that the UN remains accountable for its actions.

We encourage you to explore the un blue book and learn more about the important work of the United Nations.


Here are a few tips for getting the most out of the un blue book:

Tip 1: Use the index.

The un blue book has a comprehensive index that can help you find information quickly and easily. The index is located at the back of each volume.

Tip 2: Browse the table of contents.

The table of contents provides an overview of the topics covered in each volume of the un blue book. This can help you identify the volumes that are most relevant to your research or interests.

Tip 3: Read the introductions and summaries.

Each volume of the un blue book includes an introduction and a summary. The introduction provides an overview of the volume's contents and the summary highlights the key points. These sections can help you get a better understanding of the material in the volume.

Tip 4: Use the online resources.

The United Nations website provides access to the online version of the un blue book. The online version is searchable and allows you to easily navigate through the different volumes. You can also download the un blue book in PDF format.

We encourage you to explore the un blue book and learn more about the important work of the United Nations.


The un blue book is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public alike. It provides a comprehensive record of the work of the United Nations, including resolutions, debates, reports, and other official documents.

The un blue book is also an important tool for the development of international law. It contains the authoritative record of the decisions of the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. These decisions help to clarify and interpret existing legal principles and norms, and they also contribute to the development of new international legal standards.

We encourage you to explore the un blue book and learn more about the important work of the United Nations. The un blue book is a testament to the power of international cooperation and the commitment of the United Nations to peace, security, and development.

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